How Do I Successfully Log Out Of This Site? I Feel Trapped!
Hi London, I know exactly how you feel because I feel the same way. I can't drive anymore so I'm stuck in the house. I have to beg someone for a drive to appointments and I don't like it one bit. I'm glad I have a hobby that keeps me occupied, I have a lot of houseplants and sometimes I experiment like planting the top of a fresh pineapple 4 yrs ago and voila, a little one is growing on it now!!
Thank you for the nice comments. My little pineapple is a nice conversation piece and sometimes brings me visitors also and I like to have company. Those flowers are lovely and I presume they're 'forget me nots' I used to have outdoor flower beds but I can't take care of them anymore so I concentrate on house plants for a hobby to keep me half sane. lol Did you ever see dolphin plants? I'm going to post a picture of it. You girls keep well.🥰
@A MyOsteoTeam Member
I LOVE ur baby pineapple! One of the cutest related plant things I've ever seen.
I'm so glad u shared it with us. As Jan mentioned, I too am eating pineapple often cause it is very good for us & is refreshing also.
I'm enjoying my potted plants. Experimented this year planting seeds. Got a few nice wild flowers. Hoping my "forget me not" will flower. I have a 2 small memorial gardens for loved ones.
I got back to doing some of my balance exercises today, that was a good thing. U take care. Hugs London ♥️
@A MyOsteoTeam Member
Love the dolphin plant, never heard of before. In Florida there is a plant referred to as a "shrimp plant." I can't c close up on dolphin, it might b similar to shrimp plant? My pic was from internet, but yes forget me nots. I have mostly house plants also. Enjoy! Hugs London ♥️
Hullo Lea. That's so great to see the pineapple growing from just doing something like that. I love pineapples, they are such a delicious fruit. I'm trying to eat more of them as I've found out that they help ease achy joints. I am finding it's helping. J usually buy the tinned as it's cheaper at the moment . Happy day to you from Christchurch NZ. Going to be a lovely sunny day here after a chilly start, we in winter here now. I've added you to my team too. Bye 💖🌹
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