Should I Be Wary Of Being Treated By A Chiropractor As I Have Osteoporosis And Have Prolia Injections 6 Monthly
is there a problem attending a chiropractor when you have osteoporosis and have Prolia injections
My uncle was one of the most famous chiropractors in the world and lecturer all over North America and is known to this day and he told me most chiropractors you cannot trust. They know they can fix your back in one or two visits yet keep you coming for months just to make money off you. He is on the internet Dr. Joseph Bonyun and they say on the internet he set an example for chiropractors of all time. He is mentioned in medical books in the library. He did a lot more but won't take up your time. If I get one more rude remark from anyone I am ending the osteoteam for good. You have not been rude but many have been for no reason.
Hello dear, I think perhaps physiotherapy may be better than a chiropractor and my uncle was Dr. Joseph Bonyun and the internet says he set an example for chiropractors of all time and was a naturpathic doctor and homeopathic doctor and lecturer extensively all over North America and he said there is no need to go every week to a chiropractor it is only necessary for one or two visits as they know they can fix your back in one or two visits they just keep you going to make money. He invented the Bonyun technique which is taught to this day that cures degenerative disc disease and he cured my two cousins of polio before the vaccine came out and is well known to this day and wrote several books. All the chiropractors are being taught the Bonyun technique and he cured a dermatologisty of excema he had all his life. He said to me most chiropractors you can't trust.
I do not know the answer I just go once a month for a half hour massage , they know I have osteo and i am on Prolia also. I hope you will find something hug Joan
@A MyOsteoTeam Member
We have had posters here go either way. U want to b very careful. Have a talk with chiropractor c how they stand on it. Some will work with OP patients & some will not. Some will only do certain actions staying clear of spine or manipulation etc. Maybe some Prolia patients will answer ur ? Hugs London ♥️
I’ve been going to a chiropractor many many times. Make sure the chiro is informed of your osteoporosis and give them your bone density results. That is what mine recommended after I was diagnosed which made me glad he knew my body’s situation!
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