Is Amond Milk As Good A Source Of Calcium For You? I Take Calcium Supplements Infrequently What Kind Should I Take?
I Love the plain unsweetened Almond Milk that I purchase from Aldi’s Grocery Stores . It’s a great source of Calcium and Low fat . Love it with Cheerios .
I also take 1200 mg of Calcium and 2000 mg of Vitamin D3 daily, which I buy from Walgreens. I try to eat a cup of yogurt every day .
I like unsweetened almond milk on cereal and in fruit smoothies. A cup has 30 percent of the recommended calcium daily allowance I also take Citracal with D3.
Bless you. Take care & sending hugs your way
Diagnosed With Osteoporosis
Gm My Osteo Friends I'm Scheduled For Injection For Prolia ON JAN 10 .THOSE TAKING IT DO YOU TAKE EXTRA CALCUIM Or The Reg.1200 Mg &800 IU D
Calcium And Vitamin D