What Kind Of Doctor Is Best To Help With Osteoporosis? Is There A Specialist?
I googled “Osteoporosis clinics” and the nearest one to me is an hour away, but I feel better going to one that deals with osteoporosis on a daily basis. It’s part of a teaching hospital. Where I live gives me no comfort in the medical care.
Glad you got quick attention to your problem .....sometimes we have to wait forever
same here, the nearest of much of anything is hour and a half drive even for simpler stuff
As far as I know, there is not a single specialty that deals with it, but rather more of them: Endocrinologist, rheumatologists, internists, orthopedists, gynecologists. I think it depends on the patient's history.
What Type Of Doctor Do You Go To For Osteoporosis? (after Diagnosed)
What Is The Best Way To Treat Osteoporosis In Natural Ways My Doctor Said There Is None. I Find That Hard To Believe
Diagnosed With Osteoporosis