Prolia Fatigue....if You Have It, Any Tips For Managing It?
Hello, my name is Jim, and I'm new here. I've been getting Prolia injections for four or five years now. Yes, I'm lousy at record keeping. Each injection is followed by a host of side effects, including extreme fatigue. It usually lasts for four or five days, and then slowly recedes with occasional recurrence while it's in my system. This past one is different. It's been over a week, and the fatigue and Zero energy has not let up. Has anyone experienced this and do you have any tips on getting… read more
Hi jim sorry to hear you you are having side effects from prolia, fatigue is horrendous i don't have any particular side effects when its administered i do have fibromyalgia and my god fatigue is the worst part i know its important for me to have healthy eating habits a piece of protein at each meal and avoid processed foods its not always easy to avoid when i get fatigued which is a lot i just ly down for even 15 minutes nobody understands fatigue truely unless they have it.
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