Hi I Have A Question, Just Had Results From Dexa Scan, Bones Have Declined In All Areas They Suggest I Have Denosumab Every 6 Months.
I would like more Information on this treatment,please if anyone can help..regards Ingrid Smedley
I have hip and groin pain now…awful..they have treated this with a antibiotics as said it is a uti…2nd lot of antibiotics finished…pain still there… sorry to hear about your problems…..
@A MyOsteoTeam Member, i have been on prolia injections for a little over 6 years.
I decided to have a break last December but the pain in my muscles got worse.I now have bursitis in right hip. I may have to have a steroid injection in the hip.
Prolia was ok for me as long as i didn't stop the injection.
That is Prolia. All I can say is...I thought I had the hip and groin pain side effects and my doctor said it was OK to miss a dose to see, but it was not. I had taken for about 5 years. It was explained to me at another health system that missing the dose is what caused my 8 compression fractures. Kyphoplasty, Evenity for a year and now back on Prolia but I'm not the same...pain (though not as bad as before) and can't do a lot of things. Just never miss a dose.
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