What Tests Or Blood Tests Should I Ask For To See Why I Have Osteoporosis?
Bone Density Test shows High Risk.
Hi Simone, go to her Facebook page and join her group. You’ll get a ton of answers and lots of interaction
Look up Dr. Amie Hornerman- The Thyroid Fixer. She has a free downloadable checklist for labs to get. She also has a Facebook group. There is so much you can learn from her. Her main goal is in empowering us to heal, giving us information on why we have osteoporosis etc. I can't recommend her enough. I can't afford to get on her membership but she's helped me understand my osteoporosis is the result of an untreated leaky gut that's affected my thyroid.
Thank you Wendy. I will.🙂
Hi Simone. You should ask for a full blood count, sometimes known as a complete blood count.
Hi Barbara. Cannot download her checklist. Will not come up at all. Page says error and that it cannot be found.
What Type Of Doctor Do You Go To For Osteoporosis? (after Diagnosed)
What Bone Growth Therapy Has Less Side Effects For Heart Patients And Thigh Fractures.
Has Anyone Used Algaecal To Help With Bone Density. I Don’t Want To Use The Side Effect Kind Tho Algae Cal Is Kinda Expensive Monthly