Anyone Diagnosed With Osteoporosis & Chronic Kidney Disease? How Do U Mesh OP Diet With Renal Diet?
I have renal disease from my infusions of zolendric acid I have just been told to drink plenty of liquid especially water
Thanks got a blood test Wensday I will let you know its 14 weeks after infusions have a hug 🫂 🤗
@A MyOsteoTeam Member
Hi June
Do u know what ur eGFR number is from blood test? That number will decide what stage u r in. At 47 I was in stage 3a...that's kidneys working around 47%. Stages 3a & 3b go from moderate to severe damage. There is much more to do then having the right amount of fluid. There r good food's & bad foods to b eating. Usually in stage 3 it is good to c a kidney specialist. A big no no is smoking. Same as OP...low salt, low sugar, no alcohol. Also low potassium & phosphorus!
Good luck. Hugs London♥️
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Reclining Chair For Osteoporosis