Does Osteoporosis Make You Sleep More, Lately I Have Been Asleep 2,3 Days At Once.anyone Suffer From This?
Hi I feel tired a lot of the time think that due to pain making me tired however I don’t sleep a lot I get around 6/7 hours a night and I go to bed when tired around midnight. On the odd time I can feel very tired and go to bed early and sleep that is not often though🤗you do have fatigue with osteoporosis I find
@A MyOsteoTeam Member hello I don’t sleep during the day and I go to bed when I’m tired and yawning and I have around 7 hours of deep sleep most nights. I usually walk around Maroochydore for several kilometres a day and I averaged 2.8 kilometres a day for 26 weeks before my heavy trip fall backwards into the bathroom door frame on the 17th March and I suffered 10 new fractures and a broken left rib that caused a leaking left lung and I spent 10 days in the Hospital as I also had a massage internal bleeding in my lower left backside which depleted my blood Haemoglobin and my iron levels were very low. Fortunately my diet and walking exercise daily helped me to recover and my latest blood work came back to the normal levels.
I don’t sit or lie around at home more than necessary! I’m going out again soon for another walk in the fresh air and sunny weather here today.hugs from Judyxx
Beautiful pink flowers on the Australian Paper Bark trees in my area and the Rainbow Lorikeetm parrots 🦜 love it for food and nectar
Yes, I'm always very tired
no I only sleep for about 6 hrs
Pain And Osteoporosis
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