Does Anyone Have Tailbone Pain ?
I have been having tailbone pain I didn't get hurt but I have osteoporosis in both hips I don't know if it's gone into my tailbone or if I have a new tumor growing in that area.
Me too! I just made an appointment to see my ortho guy. I fell while coming downstairs 6 years ago before I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. But my hips now are in bad osteoporosis shape.
Is there a doctor that can read Dexa bone scans AND know how the skeleton parts fit together and diagnose remediation? Please don’t tell me to see my GP, who I love, but how can she put this together.
No tailbone pain here but I would suggest sitting on a cushion with a hole in it! Might help!
I also have tailbone pain. It started almost a year ago for no apparent reason. I had an x-ray and it did not show anything. So I don’t know why it continues to hurt.
What Bone Growth Therapy Has Less Side Effects For Heart Patients And Thigh Fractures.
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