Which Osteoporosis Symptom Surprised You The Most?
How rapidly my height decreased
Walking bent over all the time even though I try to consciously try to stay upright.
@A MyOsteoTeam Member yes I am the same way as they tend to ride up my back. I also have quite a big Scoliosis bend in my right side and I have lost about 7centimetres (4inches) off my height with compression fractures in my Thoracic spine which also has bulging discs. So my shape is weird!
I am going to add you to my team to keep in touch with yo
Hugs from Judyxx “Birdlady “
I have been wearing my Orthopedic shoes daily and they have personally designed orthotic insoles and it has helped my balance so hopefully I won’t have any more falls (I have had numerous falls that have caused many fractures
This is a minor problem compared to the pain others are experiencing but my stoop has made it impossible to find comfortable bras that don't ride up during the day. This was unexpected.
i know i get smaller but that getting old but that life at least i am lucky to be able to get older some people are nor so lucky 🥰
What Type Of Doctor Do You Go To For Osteoporosis? (after Diagnosed)
Type 1 Or Type 2 Osteoporsis?.
Pain And Osteoporosis