What’s Your Trick For Enjoying Holiday Treats And Staying On Track? 🎃
When I know I am going to be somewhere where there are a lot of sugary desserts and foods that are bad for me; I eat a good full meal right before I go to the event. Then, when I go to the party, I don't gorge on the "poison" in front of me. I will take a few pieces of my favorites and then go sit down away from the food tables. I learned long ago to never go to the grocery store, or a party, on an empty stomach.
I always say everything in moderation and I have never been on a diet in my life. These treats do not affect osteoporosis.
In moderation. I enjoy something sweet on occasion, but not every day. I have a bit of a sweet tooth, but just not all the time.
Julie 7
I try to buy treats in limited quantity. If I do I eat a healthy meal with extra veggies, so I am less tempted.
I do not buy treats.
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