Can I Take Strontium And Tymlos At The Same Time?
I have several compression fractures that have been fixed with Kyphoplasty. I want the best bone help I can get. I take Tymlos/Forteo pharmaceutical grade calcium, vitamin D & k. I really want to take Strontium, but the Tymlos people say I should not. I really need to know if that is true? Thank you!
I was on tymlos for about 3 months I noticed severe lower back pain after I gave myself the shot, and my lower back would spasm, so I took myself off of it and now I am doing the algeacal supplements, hoping that all this helps....
@A MyOsteoTeam Member I definitely think that you need to ask your doctor or at least ask the chemist at your pharmacy before you take a new medication
There are two kinds of strontium, the one recommended fir osteoporosis is suppose to be safe.
I'm taking Forteo and am not supposed to take calcium when I 'm using this drug.
Has Anyone Taken Strontium? Does It Work? Any Side Effects?
Has Anyone Tried Algae Cal Plus The Stotnium?
Has Anyone Used Algae Cal With Success?