What Is The Best Relief For Muscle Pain Due To Old Compression Fractures?
I fell on my butt 2 years ago and thought I was fine, until 2 weeks later I could barely move and the pain in my back was excruciating. I was diagnosed 9 years ago with osteo, at age 52. I finally had x-rays and discovered I had 3 compression fractures. I went through 2 rounds of PT, but I still have pain and discomfort in my mid-back (fractures were on T-12, 7, and 9) if I do too much activity. Doctor just says to put ice and heat on it, of course I can't do that unless I am home. I can't keep… read more
I’m curious what treatment your pt did on you. When I first hurt my back I thought I had pulled a muscle, I was very stiff and sore for a few days a lady where we were staying suggested I go to physiotherapist, i did and I started getting worse they were massaging my back etc I went to about 4 different ones I ended up I could barely get around, the pt couldn’t understand why I was getting worse and not better, my husband took me to a chiropractor and after standing X-rays they showed up fractures, I had mri and 5 fractures were found. I often wonder if the physio caused them through the manipulation and massage as I got worse instead of better, so I’d love to hear from you re what the treatment was/is that you’re having. Wishing you well sending gentle hugs your way.
I use turmeric and sometimes white willow bark
Hi Kitty, I’m wondering if your fractures haven’t healed, my first 5 fractures took a couple of years to heal, the one I had this year in April has eased off a lot with the pain but if I do something I shouldn’t do it flares up again as it did last night.i was in grabbing pain trying to roll over in bed. I did hydro therapy for 2 weeks and I was in more pain than I was before I started, so I’m wondering if maybe you need to give the pool a rest and see if it improves. Have you had more xrays to see what is going on. Sending you hugs hoping you find relief from the pain soon.
I fractured my T12 4 years ago and like you still have a lot of pain. I gentle exercise in the pool helps
Yes you have to do your exercises at least once a day! I know this from experience. If I miss a day I know about it! You have to ‘oil those joints’!
I Have Been Experiencing Extreme Pain In My Thoracic Part Of My Spine. Is This Normal?
Is Osteo Painful? The Extent Of My Knowledge Is That Bones Fracture More Easily.
Has Anyone Experienced Vertebral Fractures And Scoliosis?