What Is The Difference Between Type 1 & Type 2 Osteoporosis?
I googled it and here is what I found.
Secondary osteoporosis
This type of osteoporosis has similar symptoms to those commonly seen in primary osteoporosis, however, secondary osteoporosis occurs as a result of certain medical conditions such as leukaemia, hyperthyroidism or hyperparathyroidism.
This type of osteoporosis may also result from taking certain medications that lead to the breakdown of bones, these include high-dose inhaled or oral corticosteroids that have been used for longer than six months. Other medications include high doses of thyroid hormone replacements or drugs known as aromatase inhibitors which are used in the treatment of breast cancer.
Secondary osteoporosis can affect anyone at any age.
I believe that Type 2 is when it’s caused by another illness.
If your diagnosed with Osteopenia type 1 it's the lesser of the two but their is possibility of getting the osteoporosis type 2 which is worse it mean your bones are thin Osteoporosis = porous bones I hope this helps
Thank you Patty
Did not know there was a type one or 2
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