Has Someone In The Medical Field Acted Like Your Diagnosis Of Osteoporosis Is NOT A Big Deal?
In March 2020 I had a mental health issue & was in the hospital 2 weeks. When out I had a wellness (mental health) councilor from a senior center for about 8 months. We had sessions on phone once a week for an hour. It helped. Now about a month after osteoporosis diagnosis while I was scared to death, very concerned about what that meant, what would happen to my body, Dr told me nothing - did he know anything? I wasn't sleeping well, my blood pressure was up. I called that councilor & told her… read more
When we are having health issues, we need to write our questions down that we are going to ask the doctor, either on the phone or in the office. If the doctor can't or won't give you answers, then it might be time to change doctors. When I had a bad HMO insurance, I had many bad doctors that didn't know or didn't care. That is one of the big reasons I now pay for my healthcare PPO Medicare and Supplement.
Exactly….it isn’t a joke…need to try to get that understood by my family and friends.
My days start with….what level of pain am I going to have today, do I dare do something like scrub my floors? Or take my dogs for a walk?
Then if I sit too long..I hurt…then it’s…jeez will I sleep tonight?!
Suppose to go on an 8 hr road trip for thanksgiving…I don’t know if I can handle it…stressed that they won’t understand.
Thank heavens for all of you wonderful people!
London, I also find that when I tell people, work associates, some friends. They really don’t comprehend the seriousness of it, or maybe don’t even believe what I’m saying. Making me feel like it’s me against the world…In this alone.
So yes, it is nice to find people who understand and who are walking this walk.
I get frustrated by all the info I hear on how to's for bone loss. Dr Berry says don't take calcium supplements, we don't need them. They cause kidney stones, heart disease, and cancer. Don't drink cows milk. Best to do is weight baring exercises to strengthen bones Take vit D those meds like prolia and fosomax are no good for you fats are good for ya carbs aernt best way is your diet eat dark leafy greens. Well, its the strength of your bones that's important over density.
London, when I saw your original statement & replied to it, I was not aware of all these other issues with which you are dealing. I do hope things are better now. Sometimes it is necessary to be pleasant but more adamant with the doctors, altho my endocrinologist & my PCP (new one, my previous one retired) are sympathetic & helpful. It was the endocrinologist who realized all that was going on with me & got the treatment ball rolling. I was sent to her by my oncologist, who put me on med for breast cancer (which leaches calcium out of bones (the med, not the breast cancer) but he neglected to also put me on a bone-sparing drug! So I do have severe osteoporosis, but I also live in a 55+ community (all houses) with wonderful neighbors & friends who are sympathetic & help a lot. I wish only better care & concern for you. You deserve it!
Diagnosed With Osteoporosis
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