Why Hasn't Any Doctors I Ha E Seen Not Reccomended Medicine For My Osteoporosis
I have read abt people taking medication for Osteoporosis, I have had it for years, but doctors have not recommended any meds for me. Why is that? Do I have to ask them for it...
I’m very happy to be a part of this incrediable support group! I’m learning from each person’s experiences with the various medicines that have been individually prescribed. I will meet with my endocrinologist on Thursday and I am very interested to hear about my condition, and another medicine that can be prescribed to me.
We have to be advocates for our own health, if you are not happy with your doctor, I would get a second opinion.
What Type Of Doctor Do You Go To For Osteoporosis? (after Diagnosed)
Diagnosed With Osteoporosis
I've Just Been Sent Some Vitamin D3 From Cholecalciferol 400iu Are These Any Good To Take?