Coffee And Osteoporosis
Hi, does anyone know if coffee is bad for osteoporosis or not? Thank you 😍
I also read that 1 cup of coffee takes about 130 mg. of Calcium from your bones .Yes sugar is a culprit also. I did cut down on caffeine but still have coffee, I make sure I replace calcium back in after drinking coffee. as I get orange juice that has calcium in it has 350 mg. calcium every 1 cup. Or eat what I can to replace it. Read if your going to drink coffee no more than a couple a day. I'm always reading on osteoporosis, vitamins, excercie and foods. Plus this website Q+A page.I am gaining allot of knowledge on here. Hope you find what's right for your body. Love to keep updates on each other. I'll add you to my team so we can keep updates on each other. BLESSING Debbie
I have read caffeine is bad for our bones. I guess if u drink decaf that would be better. Sodas r bad for us no matter sugar, no sugar - caffeine, no caffeine. 🐆
I think my pain worsens with coffee & chocolate
Thanks for your answer and I will try to decrease drinking coffee for sure
Abdominal Discomfort
Type 1 Or Type 2 Osteoporsis?.