How Do I Stop My Involvement In The OsteoTeam
My health is such that I am too ill to participate in the OsteoTeam
Dear Debby, Yes I got over heart failure through prayer. Prayer should not be our last resort. Did you know that aged garlic extract will reduce dementia and even reverse Alzheimer's disease.
Dear ladies, Someone must be praying for me as I suddenly feel so much better and a different frame of mind and attitude and think next Sunday will go to church. Thank you anyone who has prayed for me as it sure worked.
I’m glad you got some good advice from our team. You have to take control of your health. We are all here for each other. Hugs 🤗 Barbara
Dear Granterry, I found out I had a heart attack about 2 months ago and my doctor never said and no treatment for it but I am much better now.
Thank you Julie. I keep crying all day and my doctor does not care and I have heart failure she told me yesterday and they are doing more tests. My own family have burdened me down with their problems for years and yet are never there for me. I am asking for another psychiatrist because she is impossible and I believe she has leaked untrue information about me to the government and Joyce Harris one of the Osteo Team a good friend has dumped me believing I am the one in the wrong and I am not. A lot of life long friends have deserted me but at least God has given me a couple of friends who believe in me and are supportive. I had to call the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario in order to get my doctor to treat me for heart failure. I don't know what i did to deserve this and my step brother a well known lawyer and knows a lot of people in the government said it is all my fault and that I am not taking my pills and taking homeopathic medicine. He is nuts because I have never stopped my pills and never in my life taken homeopathic medicine. He was so rude and accused me of all sorts of things I never did. You would be surprised at the nutty people in high up positions. One good thing they have found the cause of my bi polar and anxiety and heart failure is a severe iron deficiency and it makes sense because I had hemorraging for 12 years so bad I could not even go out for 10 minutes. The Bible does say All things work together for good
Why Am I Not Getting My Email Ls From The MyOsteoTeam? Hugs From Judy “Birdlady “
Why Am I Not Receiving Emails From The MyOsteoTeam Site? Judy “Birdlady “
How Do I Stop Dwelling On My Severe Pain From 5 Osteoporosis Breaks And Calm My Anxiety