For Fellow Canadians Only: To Whom Do You Go To For Comprehensive Medical Advice With Your Osteoporosis?
Here in Manitoba, the health care system is so broken many of us are now without even a family doctor. Whom do you turn to for advice/help with your osteoporosis?
Lynn...I live in Nova Scotia, Luckily, I have a family doctor and she makes sure I get to the right clinic for bone density etc,
Does Anyone Use Chia Seeds Or Flaxseed In Your Diet? How Do You Use Them? How Much Daily?
I really want to improve my diet this year and eat more "bone friendly" foods and less junk. I keep reading how great Chia seeds and Flaxseed are for bone health and would like to add them to my diet. If you use them, how do you use them? Thanks!
I have a dessertspoon of chia seeds in my cereal with gelatin powder and yoghurt.
My Husband And My Sons Think I An Exagerati. I Truly Have So Much Pain They Make Fun Of Me Warbling When Iwalk
Li feel useless and upset. I really hurt. I don't know what to do
They really make me feel bad.. I have so much pain my kids thinking I am faking
Right now I do not know if I can take any more. Can someone
Jacie, you got that right. You have a right to peace, happiness, and to be treated with respect!! Those who don't behave like that don't deserve to be in your life. It's their loss!! Hugs!
Why Am I Not Receiving Emails From The MyOsteoTeam Site? Judy “Birdlady “
Your making me hungry and it’s time to call it a day.
How Do You Measure Your Daily Intake Of Calcium?
Do you use a chart or an app?
How do you keep track of everything you eat? Do you use a notebook?
Fosamax: What Have Your Experiences With This Drug Been? Positive Or Negative?
My mother took Fosamax for over 8 years and still broke her hip. I have friends who have tried the shots and still broken bones. What have you found the most effective treatment for osteoporosis? I am also trying the exercise program by Margaret Martin. I already exercise daily and this helps me focus on a program particular to osteoporosis; including tips on what not to do. I have also heard that your diet is also a factor? Has anyone found this to be true? Thanks so much.
Has Anyone Experienced Vertebral Fractures And Scoliosis?
I refused bone meds out of fear of side effects and have suffered four vertebral fractures and scoliosis. I am miserable and now my oncologist says they probably can’t be fixed by Kyphoplasty because I have discs involved. But I need an MRI and to see a neurosurgeon. I’ve been in a recliner for seven months and I feel my life is over. Can anyone relate or help me?
Hi I have had 4 vertibral fractures . 3 I had fixed long ago with surgery and now am waiting to get the 4th fixed. Ins. is holding it up. I have had it for 6 mo. now. I had a MRI. I have been sleeping… read more
Isn't It Odd That Almost All The Doctors Are Ready To Handout Prescription Medications For Anything That Is Wrong With Us?
Isn't it odd that almost all the doctors are ready to handout prescription medications for anything that is wrong with us, INSTEAD of telling us that we must eat better and get the proper exercise or physical therapy to help our conditions??? I wish we had good and caring doctors who followed the oath they made, when they became a doctor.
so true Pam!
Does Osteoporosis Cause Depression Even If There Is Not Pain , Just Aches And Stiff Joints In The Morning
Not much . Good for you to keep moving
That is very important
Medicine Side Effects
My doctor is telling me I need to go on meds for my Osteo. My Son, who is in the dental field, is telling me that all of these meds affect your gums and teeth; sometimes making dental procedures more risky and harder. I don't want this. What are your experiences and what meds do you recommend. And what natural things can I do.
Google the meds and check out the side effects. I have turned them down because of the side effects and going the natural route.